Munors venner (Friends of Munor) was founded in 2017. It is a friends association whose primary aim is to act as a support group for Musikkselskapet Nordvegen (MUNOR). We are involved in promoting the group’s concerts, attending concerts as often as we can, and marketing the events as best we can.
We also arrange concert tours and have established friendship alliances with Harmoniens Venner in Bergen who we have met up with at two different concerts. Previous concert trips have taken in Stavanger and Bergen, but in the long run we also want to visit other towns and cities where we can attend great classical concerts.
We currently number 40 members (you can see some of us in the photo) but we would love to expand, so please get in touch if you are interested.

Harald Hårfagre kammerorkester (The Harald Hårfagre Chamber Orchestra) (HHK), based out of Haugesund, is the only professional orchestra between Bergen and Stavanger. It was founded in 1999 by Nils Økland who was also the orchestra’s first leader.
The orchestra is project-based and since its inception has managed to put on concerts in a number of different genres such as folk music, opera, jazz, contemporary music, improvised music, film music, hip-hop, and classical music from all periods, including a special mash-up of baroque and folk music.
The orchestra has a great number of contacts and collaborates with all sorts of people and groups such as composers, external soloists and conductors, churches, local concert and cultural halls, the Haugesund Film Festival, the Fartein Valen Festival, the Podium Festival, Sildajazz, Film og kino, Musikkselskapet Nordvegen AS (which the orchestra part-owns), colleges (music and dance programmes), and The Cultural Schoolbag, Stavanger 2008. The orchestra aims to maintain a professional level, something which is also fundamental when engaging musicians.
In the photo, you will see the orchestra together with Sondre Lerche working on a project during Sildajazz 2020
Contact info:

In recent years, the North Rogaland Symphony Orchestra (NRSO) has gone from being a traditional amateur symphony orchestra to a semi-professional orchestra with a core of expert musicians, primarily recruited from the MUNOR Ensemble and teachers from local cultural academies.
The orchestra holds 3-4 concerts a year in Haugesund, Karmøy and Tysvær. The New Year’s Concert at the Festiviteten Haugesund Theatre and Concert Hall is the highlight of the year. Recent New Year’s Concerts have played to full houses at Festiviteten. Unfortunately, the 2021 edition had to be called off because of coronavirus.
The musical highlight of 2020 was the Anniversary Concert held on 1 November in Vår Frelsers Church. This concert marked not only the orchestra’s 80th anniversary and but also van Beethoven’s 250th birthday. The programme featured a violin concert, with Almuth Chylek as soloist, and Beethoven’s famous 5th Symphony. The conductor was Lars-Erik ter Jung.
The level of music the orchestra is producing has improved massively, but we have ambitions to grow the orchestra further with more musicians and a wider repertoire.
Contact info:
General manager Jon Egil Henriksen
Grasmyrvegen 2, 5570 Aksdal
909 65 864