During the Olavsdagene festival at Avaldsnes, a series of concerts entitled Music and Meditation will be held. Munors Almuth Chylek participates together with the church’s own cantor Arnfinn Tobiassen and liturgist Helge Bjørgaas Helle. There will be music by Höller, Bach, Pärt and Nystedt as well as a separate adapted liturgy.
The leader of the festival, cantor Arnfinn Tobiassen who plays with Chylek, is educated at the Royal Academy of Music in London and combined this with organ positions in St. Michael’s and All Angels in Croydon, St. Paul’s Knightsbridge and the Dutch Church in London. He was artistic director of the Norwegian Organ Festival in the period 2015 to 2019, and has participated in several international organ competitions. He won the Opava competition in 2006 and the Kansas competition in 2010. He has released two albums on the record label LAWO Classics; in 2015 he appeared on Credo – a composer portrait of Trond H.F. Kverno together with Bergen Cathedral Choir and conductor Kjetil Almenning.